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The best brands are built on great stories.

Ian Rowden

Who doesn’t love a compelling story? In the creative sense, a story draws a reader in, evoking emotions, entertaining, educating yet at the same time captivating readers with gripping plots, allowing ideas to be conveyed in an easier way. However, in the realm of business, a story is set to not only be engaging but also inspiring. When done correctly, it drives brands to reach desired outcomes and marketing goals.

Let’s have a deeper look into the art of Brand Storytelling.

 Table of Contents

  1. What Is A Brand Narrative
  2. The Power Of Storytelling In Building A Strong Brand
  3. Nike’s Winning Formula: How Successful Storytelling Drives Their Branding
  4. Conclusion

What Is a Brand Narrative?

A Brand story or a brand narrative summarizes a brand’s humble beginnings in terms of its core mission & vision, and relays how the storytelling continues to drive your objectives today. It is the process of developing an array of plot points in order to establish an emotional bond between a brand and its target audience.

The Power Of Storytelling In Building a Strong Brand

Key features

  1. Forge emotional connections with customers
  2. Unlock the power of memorability
  3. Embrace your uniqueness
  4. Build bridges with your audience
  5. Create a bond of trust and credibility
  6. Compel action

How does one make their brand stick and last in the minds of the customers? Let’s take a look as to how vital crafting a brand narrative truly is.

1) Forge Emotional Connections with Customers

Emotions are gatekeepers of decision-making. By understanding the target audience, a brand can tailor their story to evoke feelings of nostalgia, empathy and even joy, to name a few. When the storytelling strikes an emotional nerve, it allows customers to align their own experiences, values, desires and pain points with the brand, thus promoting brand loyalty. A skilfully crafted brand narrative can forge a profound emotional connection that transcends the transactional nature of buying and selling.

2) Unlock the Power of Memorability

Our brains are wired to respond better to storytelling than simply facts and figures. In fact, as per a research, stories are more likely to be remembered by 55% of customers than a list of facts. Storytelling thus becomes a memorable and distinctive aspect of your brand identity. By deeply resonating with audiences, the story becomes the heart and soul of a brand, creating lasting impressions in the minds of customers that sets one apart from competitors who may solely focus on their product features or services. Remember, by communicating the brand values, history, and mission, people are more inclined to share the brand’s story with others; it becomes a point of reference for their decision-making process.

3) Embrace Your Uniqueness

A brand narrative is more than just merely a catchphrase; It delves into the essence of the brand, encapsulating its personality, values, and unique selling proposition (USP). It might be a creative approach, the dedication to sustainability, or the great customer service that the brand delivers. By emphasizing these distinguishing features in the brand narrative, it provides a clear rationale for customers to pick the brand over others and boost its chances of being remembered and chosen in a competitive market.

4) Build Bridges with Your Audience

Sharing stories can take many forms, including blogs, social media posts, videos, podcasts and could pertain to your brand’s history, the people behind it, or the experiences and values that define it. By sharing these stories, you can build a narrative that captures the imagination and interest of the brand’s audience, inspiring them to connect with the brand on a more personal level.

User-generated content (UGC) is another promising strategy to enhance customer engagement. Encourage customers to share their personal stories and experiences with the brand, via reviews, videos, or social media posts and it will not only gain vital insight into brand customers’ viewpoints but will also establish a strong community. It minimizes the need for the brand to create a huge amount of content on its own, allowing it and the brand marketing budget to focus on other branding initiatives.

5) Create a Bond of Trust and Credibility

By infusing the brand narrative with relatability and authenticity, it demonstrates that there is substance and meaning behind the brand. It gives your audience a glimpse into the brand journey, the challenges it has overcome, and the passion that drives the brand forward, including its mission, vision and values. This authenticity helps build trust and a reputation by showing that the brand is not just a faceless entity, but an organization with a genuine purpose.

Loyal customers not only make repeat purchases but also become brand advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth, attracting new customers. According to a research, people who align themselves with a brand narrative are 55% more likely to buy the product in the future, 44% are inclined to share the story, and 15% are likely to buy the product right away.

6) Compel action

Storytelling often seeks to drive action or specific outcomes. It may aim to inspire customers to make a purchase, motivate employees to achieve certain goals, or convince investors to invest in the business.

Crafting stories that inspire the brand’s audience to take action is a powerful tool in driving sales, increasing brand awareness, and achieving other marketing goals. Showing how the brand has positively touched the lives of others is one method of how storytelling can inspire action. Sharing stories of genuine customers who have benefited from the brand products or services humanize the brand while also providing actual proof of what it brings to the table. And from there on it is a domino effect; potential clients are enticed to purchase the product or test out brand services.

Nike’s Winning Formula: How Successful Storytelling Drives Their Branding!

A fundamental milestone in Nike’s history that demonstrates their storytelling prowess goes back to the 1990s, when they collaborated with the infamous basketball player Michael Jordan. Jordan revealed the story of his life in a captivating television commercial, illustrating how his numerous failures ultimately paved his path to success. This story struck a chord with viewers, hitting strongly with many who could identify with the trials they faced in their own lives.

Nike’s tagline “Just Do It” simply outlines the very essence of the brand, encouraging people to push beyond their boundaries and embrace a proactive attitude. It urges people to take chances, overcome hurdles, and fiercely pursue their ambitions.

The “if you have a body, you ARE an athlete” statement further cements Nike as an inclusive, purpose-driven and a progressive company by continuously voicing out for social issues, gender equality, and sustainability.

With impactful branding, they succeeded at communicating their core values, uplifted individuals around the world, brought a positive change, and fostered a loyal and passionate community of supporters.


Remember, the brand narrative serves as a beacon for its audience, helping them to truly know who the brand is and why it matters, acting as a vehicle for communicating the brand’s underlying values, beliefs, and mission.

To know more about importance of storytelling read here: 9 reasons to include elements of storytelling in your sales strategy (

Planning to invest in a branding agency but confused, check out insights here: Why Investing In Professional Branding Services Is Worth It In 2023? | Media Mousse

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